
On April 25th and following Kev’s post I started this blog with Why I have a blog post, more or less at that time Kev also started this idea of 100 days to offload and invited everybody on Fosstodon to join. I jumped in that day.


Personal Achievements

After 57 days, and 51 posts, here is what I’ve got.

  1. A new blog for me, the other site was not a blog
  2. More posts written in these two months than in the last six years.
  3. My post with more votes on Hacker News ever.
  4. Meeting nice people of this great community

Community Achievments

  1. Lot of people engaged in writing.
  2. New blogging subreddit
  3. A new site to collect personal blogs


We are just half a way of the 100 days to offload, I am sure tha like Robert said, we are at a point of no return, a lot of people will continue writing, I already have this blog where I can write more freely than on my other site, so I am sure I will keep this going. There are a lot of other people who started a blog just because of this, and most of them will continue, so I just have to say Thank you Kev, and we will go for the next 50 posts.