I have created this blog all of a sudden, basically in order to write a post every day for a 100 days, because of this, what I did was to buy a new domain, (this domain), then copy my other site (Middleman generated site), delete all posts, and start posting here.
Because in some countries of the world yesterday is labor day, and also because we are at home because of Coronavirus, I had some spare time. Therefore in order to give this site its own personality I have decided to create a theme for it.
I was going to use Foundation from Zurb, but then I looked at HTML5 Boilerplate, I have even started with it, but yesterday late at night, I have stumbled upon Skeleton, which is a simple responsive boilerplate to start with, I liked because it is simplier than Foundation, with almost nothing implemented, just the skeleton.
From there I have started, and following some tips from Kev’s Light Website I have modified. It took some six hours of reading, testing, and experimenting to finally have it almost finished and up to a point where I can publish it.
So, here is how the site looked before:
And this how it looks now:
If you have any advices on how to improve it, please let me know, I really would like to have a good looking theme.